Gazania species are grown for the brilliant colour of their flowerheads which appear in the late spring and are often in bloom throughout the summer into autumn. They prefer a sunny position and are tolerant of dryness and poor soils.
Numerous cultivars have been selected for variety of colour and habit. In temperate regions, they are usually grown as half-hardy annuals. A commonly grown variety is the trailing gazania (Gazania rigens var. leucolaena). It is commonly used as groundcover and can be planted en masse to cover large areas or embankments, assisted by its fast growth rate. Cultivars of this variety include ‘Sunburst’, ‘Sunglow’, and ‘Sunrise Yellow’. Another popular cultivated variety is the clumping gazania (Gazania rigens), which has a number of named cultivars including ‘Aztec’, ‘Burgundy’, ‘Copper King’, ‘Fiesta Red’, ‘Goldrush’ and ‘Moonglow’.